Ramadan Food Appeal    2024/ 1445

Bring Hope to
Gaza This Ramadan

Save Lives
& Earn Rewards

Share Your Blessings,
Feed the Poor & Fasting

automate your giving with hdf's

This Ramadan, amplify your blessings by automating your charity during the last ten nights. Our "Ten Nights Automate Charity" campaign ensures your generosity reaches those in need on the most sacred nights.

Set up once, and let your donations make a difference every night. Embrace the spirit of giving, and let your kindness be a beacon of hope. Sign up now and make these nights truly unforgettable.

100% Zakat verified

All HDF Programs are Zakat-Eligble

The Prophet was asked, 'Which aspect of Islam is best?’ He said, "Feeding people and greeting those you know and those you do not know.” [Bukhari]

Trusted by 5000+ donors

Help Needy Muslims Break Their Fast This Ramadan

The Prophet was asked, 'Which aspect of Islam is best?’ He said, "Feeding people and greeting those you know and those you do not know.” [Bukhari]

Ramadan food baskets 🧺

One Ummah,
One Plate


HDF is providing YOU with an AMAZING opportunity - to feed our starving and destitute brothers and sisters who began this Ramadan with heavy hearts. Some go days without food, others scavenging just to survive

For as little as $25, you can help provide up to 1 meal a day for up to 4 people this whole Ramadan.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever gives iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest.”

Donate today to earn beautiful rewards from Allah s.w.t and earn the ajr for fasting without even fasting!

Ramadan food baskets 🧺

One Ummah,
One Plate

On the day of judgment, when Allah asks how we helped the needy, what will your answer be?

We've PREPARED our immediate families for Ramadan whilst our brothers and sisters wallow in deep hunger unable to eat anything for Suhur or break their fast.

Isn't this unfair? 

HDF is offering you a chance to make a difference in the lives of these needy people - this could be the action that defines the moment as you stand before Allah tomorrow.

For only $25, you can help provide up to 1 meal a day for up to 4 people this whole Ramadan.

A man asked the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ,‘Which aspect of Islam is best?’ He said, ‘feeding people and greeting those you know and those you do not know.'”

The best charity is that given in Ramadan.” (Bukhari and Muslim).
The best charity is that given in Ramadan.” (Bukhari and Muslim).
The best charity is that given in Ramadan.” (Bukhari and Muslim).


Your donation towards this cause is verified 100% Zakat-Eligible.


Secure Giving

Give with the peace of mind that your personal information is handled with the utmost Safety & Compliance specifications.


Frequently asked questions


Why should I donate through HDF?

At HDF, we believe in a better, more efficient approach to humanitarian work. While ensuring that the basic needs are met, we channel our efforts towards sustainable development, fostering self-reliance, and transforming lives. Our unwavering commitment to excellence drives us to provide the highest level of care for those you choose to support and sponsor.


Can I donate in my local currency?

You can donate with any currency in the world. Prices are displayed by default in USD, and the donation amount will switch to your currency (if supported) once you select your desired giving level.


I have a question or a concern about my donation.

Please get in touch with our customer care team at info@hdfund.org who will look into this for you.

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